Thursday, August 13, 2009

CAUTIOUSNESS (vs. Rashness) Knowing how important right timing is in accomplishing right actions.

– Recognizing that we have natural inclinations that are opposite of God’s ways. These tendencies may seem right but really can be destructive to our lives. (The verses for this character quality are Proverbs 9:2 Is. 55:8-9 and Proverbs 3:5,6)

Acting apart from the life and power of God is foolish. Christ exemplified one who did nothing of His own will but only what His Father directed Him to do. John 5:30 A cautious person will also seek God’s will for each situation.

How do we develop cautiousness?

1. Acknowledge that our natural inclinations are often wrong, and cry out to God for His wisdom. Jer. 33:3 Psalm 50:15 James 1:5

2. Learn from the experiences of others.

The biographies that God wrote in the Bible are filled with rich counsel on how to do things God’s way. Psalm 19:7

3. Consider the opposite action of natural inclination.

4. Seek out wise counsel.

A caution sign on the highway usually means that others have not exercised sufficient cautiousness in that spot and have paid a high price. In life we would be wise to listen to others and gain from their experiences.

Allow time to test the credibility of your course and the stability of your steps

Waiting on the Lord for guidance forces us to reevaluate priorities and identify the “needful” things of life.

“Preparation is not something suddenly accomplished, but a process steadily maintained.” – Oswald Chambers.

Cautious people are those who have conquered the urge to speak before they get all the facts.

James 1:19 Proverbs 1:5

Personal Evaluation:

- Do you seek God’s will for every situation?

- Do you ask for counsel from wise and experienced people?

- Do you learn from the mistakes of others and yourself?

- Do you think before you speak?

- Do you think of the right timing for doing things?

- Do you realize how your actions will affect others?

- Do you plan ahead and count the cost, especially on big endeavors?


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