Friday, August 21, 2009

COMPASSION (vs. Indifference) Responding to a deep need with a longing to do whatever is necessary to meet it. ( 1 John 3:17)
Investing whatever is necessary to heal the hurts of others. Learning to use words and actions which will be comforting and healing.

1. Compassion is stirred by an urgent need to help.
- The Pharoah’s daughter had compassion on Moses as a bay
- Jesus had compassion on a grieving widow
- The Good Samaritan had compassion on a wounded traveler

2. Compassion results from discerning a deep need
3. Compassion is Activated by humble pleas for help.
4. Compassion is a normal response to an urgent need.

How to Develop a compassionate Heart
1. Focus on our great debt to God.
2. Enlarge our heart with a prayer list
3. Turn personal suffering into compassion for others.
4. Look for ways to do good to all people.

Personal Evlauation:
Who was the last person who asked you fro help and how did you help them?

“Some great people make others feel small but he greatest people of all make others feel tall!”

Sympathy – Feeling sorry for people who are hurting.
Empathy – Feeling the pain with people who are hurting.
Compassion – Doing something about that pain.

“We will never know by experience, God’s richest blessings of comfort and compassion towards others until we ourselves have had trials.” T.J. Bach

1 comment:

  1. What a fitting character on which to focus in light of all taking place in the world these past couple months!
